
This is how I have changed my sports routine with home training applications, do they work?

There is no doubt that for many, playing sports or going to the gym is quite a challenge. However, that is what technology is for, to solve one of the many problems that exist today.

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Applications for doing sports at home have become a real discovery for those who are short on time or are too lazy to go to the gym—which happens to me.

That is why For a few years now I have been using apps to move something around the house.. It is true that I complement it with a stationary bike that helps me do the daily cardio that I need, since teleworking really does not do a great favor. I also have some material such as dumbbells and elastic bands, but the truth is that you don’t need to have anything to start.

At the moment, I have two applications on my phone that I intersperse to avoid getting bored with the exercises. In addition, I have each one adjusted in a different way: lumbar and stretching routine and, on the other hand, basic cardio and strength exercises.


These are the two applications that I use on a daily basis to do sports

The first app I use is Home Training: Fitness. What initially caught my attention was its large number of routines, ranging from strength training to yoga sessions. The truth is that the visual demonstrations of each exercise are a lifesaver, especially for those exercises that are somewhat complex to do.

The ability to customize workouts based on your goals and energy level is key to this app. With pre-set training plans and the option to create my own, I found total flexibility that really suited my lifestyle, sometimes something rushed. The result? A better feeling about myself and, of course, better physical shape.

Sports application

On the other hand, I also have Freeletics: Exercise at Home. This is another very similar application. By entering goals, fitness level, and time available, you get an exercise program tailored to your needs and limitations.

It has all kinds of exercises and the truth is that its interface is very easy to use. In addition, it also includes many videos that guide you in your workouts so that they are done in a healthy way and that they do not end up injuring you.

Sports applications at home

After using these apps, do they really work as a substitute? A great way to do sports if the other option is to stay on the couch

Now, we come to the key question: Have these applications really managed to change my sports routine? The answer, without a doubt, is a resounding yes.. The incorporation of these applications has not only changed my routine, but has also gotten me hooked on spending about 30 minutes a day moving.

The flexibility, diversity and convenience of having a virtual gym on your mobile ultimately makes the routine less burdensome and much more accessible. If you are still wondering if these applications can transform your approach to sports, I encourage you to try them. Not only are they digital tools, they are almost like perfectly instructed personal trainers.

Of course, all that glitters is not gold and Logically, you need willpower to dedicate a small amount of your time to these exercise routines..

On the other hand, it must be made clear that your home is not the same as a gym and, on the one hand, it must be added that you do not have professionals to ask and, on the other, you do not have all the machines that you find in these spaces.

My recommendation is that you use them if the other option is not to do sports, but I do see it as quite necessary to have some small support from machines like a stationary bike or some dumbbells, which, the truth is, are not very expensive, and thus you add some quality to your routine, although you can always use your imagination and play with the things you have at home.

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