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Catfishing: 5 ways to detect that your Internet connection does not exist

Lately it is common to come across terms that mix several English words to define a phenomenon on the Internet. That is precisely the case of the deception known as catfishing. In reality, it is something very simple: people who take advantage of social networks, Tinder-style apps or similar tools to create fake profiles or nonexistent.

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Therefore, although it is more normal to flirt online every day, there is a possibility that the person you like, at least virtually, is not even real. Do you want to know how to detect it? Well, here we leave you 5 ways to know if your Internet connection does not exist.

Stories that don’t match

It is often said that a liar is caught sooner than a lame person, and even more so on the Internet. People who use catfishing to hook up fraudulently, so to speak, usually contradicts itself on many occasions. If that happens, you may be a victim of one of these cases.

First, they lie because, in effect, the person they play does not exist deep down, and also because it is possible that they maintain more than one relationship at a time, with the consequent difficulty in remembering all the stories that they have invented in their lives. each case.

Too perfect a photo

A pretty face always attracts attention, so it is one of the weapons that catfishers usually use. Another way to detect this deception is to receive photos that are too perfect.. You know, that type of man or woman who looks like something out of a magazine or a modeling agency… because he’s probably something out of a magazine or a modeling agency.

Furthermore, these people will always send you the images that they want, not one that you specifically ask for, of course. Another way of perceiving that something is not going well.

Express love

It is true that nowadays relationships can start very quickly (and also end at the same speed), but another way to detect catfishing is to perceive that the virtual contact goes excessively quickly, that one falls in love fleetingly.

If this happens, it is possible that your intentions are not at all honest.

They ask you for money or favors

Tinder scammer


Unlike other forms of phishing, which have no other purpose than to steal your money or take advantage of your bank accounts, Catfishing can have many goals, including just hanging out. But that does not mean that sometimes the creator of the lie asks for things, usually money, but also occasionally favors.

It is better to be cautious in this regard, since not only will you lose the money, but you will be giving it to someone who is not who they say they are.

Ask for proof of authenticity

Despite everything, there are two ways to check whether or not you are facing a case of catfishing that do not usually fail. The first, avoid photos and request a video call, much more difficult to manipulate.

And the second, check your profile on social networks. If it is a person who flirts online, it will be difficult if you cannot find a trace of him on the Internet today.

Taking these tips into account will make it more difficult for you to be manipulated and end up with a false identity on the Internet. Because, although it is one of those things that seems like it can never happen to you, it is more common than many people sometimes think.

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