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How to record calls on iPhone and not die trying

Record calls on your iPhone It can be a very practical feature, but you should keep in mind that in the iOS ecosystem, known for its closed approach and privacy measures, a native option for this task is not included.

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However, if you’ve ever regretted not recording an important phone conversation, don’t worry, There are effective options to carry it out and not die trying..

First of all, it is crucial to understand that apple‘s mobile operating system, by design, does not allow you to record voice calls natively. This limitation is implemented in order to preserve the privacy of users.

But if you decide to do so, you must have the consent of the other person involved in the call, otherwise you could be violating their privacy, and therefore, you could have legal problems. In this sense, record iPhone calls It may be illegal in some countries.

Method 1: Use video calling services


If you want to record iPhone calls, a practical option is to use video calling services like Skype or Zoom. These apps allow you to do it in the cloud and in an easy and simple way.

It is worth mentioning that all calls are saved on the applications servers and you can download them whenever you want. To record a conversation you just have to start a call and click on the option Start recording within the service options.

One of the important drawbacks is that this function is usually paid and is only included in one of the available subscription plans.

Method 2: Use third-party apps

Rev Call Recorder

In the App Store there are many applications that allow you to record calls. One of the most complete and reliable is Rev Call Recorder, which allows you to record without a time limit, but to do so, you must check out, although it offers a 3-day free trial.

Its operation is very simple, you just have to press a button. In addition to offering excellent sound quality in recordings, this app has an additional advantage: its integrated transcription service.

You can easily record all your phone conversations, outgoing and incoming. Afterwards, you can access them from any device and at any time you want.

Method 3: Use the iPhone Voice Memos app

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In any case that you do not have the necessary budget to record iPhone calls through services such as Skype, Zoom or third-party apps, there is a free and easy method to carry out.

You can use the Voice Memos application that is installed by default on your mobile. To do this, simply start a call on your iPhone and tap the microphone icon to activate the speaker, then open the Notes app and start recording.

It should be noted that, if you are going to record iPhone calls, make sure you have the consent of at least one of the people participating in the conversation or the main person you want to record, this to not violate the privacy of any person.

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