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How to know if your mobile charger is damaged

Chargers are a fundamental part of any mobile phone, and also one of the most problematic accessories. Who hasn’t had it break down on some occasion? The problem lies rather in those times when it is not easy to detect if it is really damaged or not.

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It is quite common for a charger to give no clue that it is not working properly at first, causing the phone’s battery to charge more slowly without realizing it, or even increasing the risk of harming the health of your device in different ways.

Do you want to know how you can do it if your mobile charger is damaged? Well, here we leave you some simple ways to find out.

Overheating while charging

One of the most obvious symptoms of your mobile charger being damaged may be that it heats up more than it should while the phone charges. It is true that many of these accessories tend to gain some heat while performing their function, but If the temperature rises too much, it is better not to water at all.

Always keep in mind that excessive heat not only generally affects charging efficiency, but can also damage your phone’s battery in the long term. Better to be cautious with it.

Charging is interrupted

Something similar happens when charging is interrupted frequently or works intermittently. It must be remembered that phone batteries are usually one of the most delicate elements and, in many cases, the first thing to break down, regardless of their model or brand.

That’s why, If you notice that charging is not as smooth as it should, try trying another charger And, if the fault lies with the one you originally used, don’t take risks and decide to retire it as soon as possible.

Does not connect properly

When you connect your charger to the phone, the normal and correct thing to do is to feel an adequate resistance that indicates that a solid connection is made, so to speak. If the connection appears loose or slippery, it could be an indication that the internal contacts are worn or damaged.

A reliable connection is crucial to ensure efficient charging and prevent potential damage to your device’s battery.

Bare or bad cables

It is very common for your charger cables to deteriorate due to use. Sometimes this draws attention to the naked eye, either because the cable is frayed, excessively bent, or simply appears broken. But at other times it may not be so obvious, but it is equally dangerous.

If you notice that the phone’s charging is not working as it should, it may actually be the cable that is to blame, as happens in the vast majority of cases.

The importance of checking if your mobile charger is damaged is not only reduced to an obvious practical issue. As we have mentioned, it can put the health of your battery at risk, and even cause danger such as fires if sparks fly or it gets too hot. It is not common, but sometimes it happens.

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