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How to know if you are watching fewer DTT channels than you should

Since Digital Terrestrial Television was established on the televisions of all Spanish homes, you have been able to enjoy the comfort of watching your favorite programs and series free-to-air.

Now, in 2024, a notable update is coming, where all DTT channels will transmit exclusively in HD quality, providing greater clarity and sharpness in all content.

However, despite technological improvements, a persistent challenge arises, and that is, how to order and know if you have tuned in to all the DTT channels?

Although this technology offers extensive free programming in high definition, one of the most notable drawbacks has been the disorder of the channels. There are many doubts on this topic, since some Although DTT is available throughout the country, many channels are only accessible in certain communities or cities.

In this sense, knowing if you have properly tuned all the DTT channels in Spain is quite a challenge, especially considering state, regional and local broadcasts, which vary depending on geographical location. In response to this problem, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has implemented an innovative solution.

The government entity has launched an online platform that allows users to enter their zip code and get a detailed list of DTT channels available in their area. That is, it allows you to know if you are watching fewer channels than you should on your television.

This initiative not only addresses confusion in tuning, but also offers a clearer and more organized view of the television offering in each area of ​​the country. In this way, you will be able know if you are watching fewer or more DTT channels.

This way you can know which DTT channels broadcast in the area where you live

To know once and for all if you have tuned to all the DTT channels in the area where you live, it is now easier than it seems. The Ministry of Digital Transformation has put an end to this problem.

To do this, you have to access the website provided by the General State Administration department through this link from any web browser, whether on your mobile device or computer.

The next thing is to enter your zip code in the designated space and click on the button Look for. This simple step will allow the platform to identify your exact location in seconds.

You will receive a Completely organized list of DTT channels available in your area represented in three main categories: local, state and regional channels.

DTT channels

Ministry of Digital Transformation

In the local DTT channels you will find the channels that you can tune in depending on the location of your broadcasting center. Proximity will determine which channels will be available on your television. For its part, the state channels classify all the channels that are broadcast at the state level, ordered according to their digital multiple.

Finally, there are the regional DTT channelsa section that reflects the broadcasts compatible with your location, allowing you to access regional programming specific to your community.

This website has many benefits, which simplifies, in addition to ordering and organizing the DTT channels, eliminating the mess in tuning.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation’s tool empowers viewers by providing them with the information necessary to enjoy television in a more organized way and adapted to geographical location.

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