
5 things you shouldn’t post on Facebook

Privacy is an important issue that you should not take lightly, and even more so on social networks. When sharing personal information on the Internet, you may expose yourself to risks that can negatively affect your safety and personality.

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There are several reasons why you should not share controversial photos, thoughts and comments on Instagram or Facebook. It is very likely that everything you publish can be used against you.

Firstly, your photos can be used by cybercriminals to commit crimes, such as theft, fraud or harassment.

Secondly, your personal data can be used by companies to collect data about you and sell it to third parties without you realizing it. In the end, this can affect your privacy, but above all your reputation on the web.

Therefore, it is essential to understand why you should be cautious when managing your online privacy. In this article, we share with you five things that you should not post on Facebook or any other social network for anything in the world.

Company contacts

It’s important to be careful who you add to your Facebook friends list, especially if they are coworkers, bosses, or managers. Even if you get along well with these people on a professional level, it is not always convenient to mix it with the personal level.

Post about work problems or Sharing personal opinions without a filter can have negative consequences. Keeping these professional contacts separate from your friends list allows you to express yourself more freely and safely.

Personal photos

Google Photos

One way to protect your privacy on Facebook is to limit the type of personal photos you share. Some images can reveal sensitive information about your life, such as where you live, what you do, or what you own.

In the end, this can put your safety and that of your family at risk. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully select the photos you publish and that you use the privacy options to choose who can see them.

Your current location

Google Maps Location


Constantly sharing your location can have negative consequences. Doing so can reveal predictable patterns in your daily routine, such as the location of your home or places you frequent, that can be exploited by people with bad intentions.

To protect your safety, avoid sharing your location at all times and be mindful not to disclose information about your absence or times when you are home alone.

controversial comments

Followers, likes and comments on Instagram

Be very careful with what you write on Facebook. Don’t post anything that could cause conflict or hurt other people’s feelings.

Remember that your comments can be seen by anyone and used against you by malicious people who want to harm you.

The date of your birthday

Birthday party

One way to protect your identity on social media is to avoid posting your full date of birth. This information can be used by people with bad intentions to impersonate your identity or access your accounts.

To prevent fraud, it is recommended that you only share your birthday with your closest contacts and that you use your privacy options to restrict who can see this information.

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