
They create an AI that is as good as doctors at analyzing chest x-rays

Artificial intelligence has advanced to such a level that it can even rub shoulders with great professionals such as those in medicine, not only to offer a second opinion on different conditions, but also to even act as an assistant or assistant.

And now researchers from the University of Warwick have trained a artificial intelligence using 2.8 million historical chest x-rays from more than 1.5 million patients, and early results show that the AI ​​was as good as any other doctor at analyzing these types of x-rays and diagnosing certain conditions.

For 35 of the 37 conditions, the AI ​​was as accurate or even more accurate than the analysis previously performed by a doctor when the x-rays were originally taken.

To verify the accuracy of the artificial intelligence, a group of radiologists also examined a selection of more than 1,400 X-rays from the study.

After that, they compared the results of the artificial intelligence with diagnoses made by the original radiologists.

In conclusion, it was shown that the AI can analyze scans as soon as they are performed and flag any conditions or abnormalities.

Researchers consider that this AI can be the perfect tool for early detection of a disease or even as a definitive second opinion.

In fact, they believe that their AI could end up eliminating the element of human error and could also eliminate bias.

This technology could also help reduce the workload of doctors.

The research team’s AI has been called X-Raydar, and interestingly it is available for the research community to test in non-clinical applications.

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