
Be careful with sales on Wallapop, Vinted or eBay: from January 2024 the Treasury will be watching you

As of January 1, 2024, a new European regulation, the European DAC7 Directive, comes into force, directly impacting the transactions carried out on resale platforms like Wallapop, VintedeBay or AirBnB. This measure’s main objective is to increase tax transparency in digital purchases and sales.

After that date, digital platforms must collect and communicate to the Treasury the data of sellers that exceed certain limits, such as make more than 30 sales a year or generate income of more than 2,000 euros.

The question many are now asking is how this will affect users who use these applications. Although DAC7 aims to prevent tax fraud and make transactions more transparent, it is still unknown how this dynamic of buying and selling your belongings on these platforms will change.

“I buy and sell a lot, but I don’t make money, I simply want to sell clothes or technology that I don’t use, which is what these platforms are supposed to do, if I’m going to have to pay taxes for this… we’ll see what I do “, declares a user to Today.

The bargain is over for many: this is how your way of selling on these platforms will change

In 2017, there was already an attempt at a 4% tax, but DAC7 is a deeper update that reflects a major change in how Europe solves the complex world of taxes in the digital world.

Until now, only operations that generated a real profit were taxed, something rare in online sales. However, This new approach might make you think twice before selling or buying online.

“It’s a persecution. If selling items that I don’t use is going to mean that the Treasury treats me as a self-employed person, I will dedicate myself to using the platforms as intermediaries and I will close the transactions outside, without leaving anything on record,” responds another user. .

At the moment, it seems that time is running out and those who want to continue with “business” on these platforms will have to have greater tax transparency. Only time will tell how these new rules permeate society.

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