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Dangers and problems you expose yourself to just by having a Flipper Zero, the Tamagotchi for hackers

The gadget market is witnessing a remarkable evolution with the launch of the Flipper Zero, affectionately known as the Tamagotchi for hackers. A small device that has earned a prominent place in the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

This tiny device is not just a technological curiosity; has demonstrated its ability to influence various operating systems. His versatility has catapulted him into the world of computer security, where he has found a prominent place thanks to his multifunctional skills.

From manipulating technologies such as RFID and NFC to controlling sex toys, the Flipper Zero presents itself as a complete tool.

However, it is also capable of capturing and sending radio frequency and infrared codes, executing custom scripts, generating signals of different types, among other things.

The dark side of Flipper Zero

Despite its impressive capabilities, it is crucial to understand that the main purpose of this device is improve technical skills in cybersecuritymaking it clear that its use is not intended for malicious activities.

However, nothing could be further from the truth, if it is not used in an ethical and legal manner, it can entail a series of risks and problems. If you have a Flipper Zero, you expose yourself to the following dangers, according to the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE):

  • Legal actions: Flipper Zero is a tool that allows you to interact with different systems and networks, but you must use it responsibly and ethically. You should not access devices that do not belong to you or that you do not have permission to use, otherwise you would be violating the privacy as well as the security of other people and face legal problems.
  • Privacy violation: Being a device that allows you to interact with different types of wireless signals, it can also pose a risk to privacy. It is important to respect the right to privacy of others and not use the Flipper Zero to access private information without authorization, as this is illegal and you would be committing a serious crime.
  • Damage to systems and devices– It is a tool that requires advanced technical knowledge for safe use, so if not used correctly, you could cause damage to the systems and devices it connects, such as data loss, critical failures, etc.
  • Personal risks– Your physical safety could be at risk depending on how you use the device, since testing in dangerous environments, such as climbing walls, leaning out of windows, or positioning yourself in risky places, could lead to potential dangers.

There is no doubt that The Flipper Zero is an amazing device for technology lovers, but it also implies a great responsibility.

It is important to use it ethically, legally and consciously, since this Tamagotchi for hackers It can be a very valuable tool to learn and improve in cybersecurity.

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