
Digital Diogenes syndrome: keys to identifying and combating it

Practically everyone knows what Diogenes syndrome is and how the accumulation of garbage or useless objects affects a part of the population. What is sometimes not so obvious, even in these times, is that this also has an equivalence in the technological world.

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What is digital Diogenes syndrome, how to identify it and what ways are there to combat it? In this article we are going to try to answer these questions in a detailed and practical way.

What is digital Diogenes syndrome and how to identify it

In reality, the so-called digital Diogenes syndrome is quite similar in concept to its physical version. It is a condition characterized by the compulsive accumulation of digital information, often unnecessary or disorganized.

An attitude that involves the persistent retention of files, applications, emails and other digital data, for no apparent or logical reason.

People affected by this syndrome can feel a extreme anxiety when considering the possibility of losing any data, even if it has no significant value. Or what is the same, it happens when you think that something without apparent relevance may be important in the future, for reasons that usually do not correspond to reality at all.

Two of the simplest ways to identify Diogenes digitalis syndrome are related to two specific symptoms. The first of them is the lack of space on the devices, especially when it comes to mobile phones or computers, which They tend to run out of storage space due to the accumulation of all types of files, images, documents, etc.

Secondly, people who suffer from digital Diogenes syndrome often suffer from an alarming loss of time, caused by paying attention to useless content, which often ends up affecting their daily performance, even at work or academic level.

How to avoid digital Diogenes syndrome?

One of the best recommendations to alleviate the problems of users with digital Diogenes syndrome consists of use alternative storage systems. That is, think about using the cloud or even external hard drives to store everything that is not used often, so as not to clutter up your usual devices.

Of course, organization in these cases also tends to be essential. TKeeping everything organized, through folders and labels, can often help to prevent everything from becoming chaos. And what is more important, maintain that order as a routine.

In the most severe cases, it doesn’t even hurt to think about carrying out a digital disconnection, in order to “disconnect” for a while and be able to clean all unnecessary files.

In conclusion, in these times the digital order is sometimes as important as the physical one. Even more so when the mobile phone or computer is used to work or study, and not just as a tool for entertainment. And remember that, also in the digital field, sometimes less is more.

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