
Disney+ increases prices by 33% for all customers, starting today (updated)

  • Old customers will also pay more

What was talked about so much, and even feared, in the previous months and weeks has finally come to fruition. Disney+ just introduced i new subscription plans also in Italyintroducing worse conditions compared to the plans previously available.

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What has just been said is the summary of what has just happened for Disney+, the popular multimedia streaming platform. The streaming giant has in fact introduced a substantial increase of the price for your profile Premiumwhich until now was the only plan to which it was possible to subscribe.

Apart from this, two new plans arrive subscription for those looking to to spend less. But let’s see together the new subscription plans, which will be available from today November 1, 2023 for all new subscribers:

  • Standard plan with advertising to 5.99 euros per month: there will be advertisements (we still don’t know with what frequency), streaming at maximum resolution of full HD, up to 5.1 and stereo audio, possibility of viewing on a maximum of 2 screens at the same time, no downloads.
  • Standard Plan to 8.99 euros per month or 89.90 euros per year: streaming at maximum resolution of full HD, up to 5.1 and stereo audio, ability to watch on up to 2 screens at the same time, download of content on up to 10 devices.
  • Premium Plan to 11.99 euros per month or 119.90 euros per year: streaming at maximum resolution of 4K UHD, Dolby Atmos audio, ability to watch on up to 4 screens simultaneously, download content on up to 10 devices.

I mean, Disney+ basically increases from €8.99 to €11.99 the monthly price of the only profile that could be subscribed to until now.

And it offers the same price, i.e. €8.99, a subscription to a lighter profile, given that it includes simultaneous viewing on one smaller number of devices, lower maximum resolution of content and less performing audio standard. For those who want to spend even less, the subscription comes with advertisingjust like Netflix did.

Bad news also comes for the already subscribed. From the December 6, 2023 all those who already had a Disney+ subscription will automatically switch to the Premium profile, with the consequent raising of the monthly or annual rate from €8.99 to €11.99 or €89.90 to €119.90 respectively.

You can find all the prices of the new Disney+ subscriptions on the platform’s official website.

Update 06/12/2023

The Disney+ increase will also start from today, December 6th, also for existing customers, who will go from €8.99 to €11.99 per month, or from €89.90 to €119.90 per year, i.e. 3 euros more per month or 30 euros more with the annual subscription: the 33% increase is not a small thing!

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