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Do you have a toxic relationship with technology? 5 keys to detect it

Toxic relationships are usually understood as those types of relationships that harm you, especially in a mental way. Generally, it is a type of term that is applied to relationship, family, or even work issues. And they do not require physical damage per se. But can technology be included within this group?

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There is no doubt that the dizzying technological advances that we are experiencing in the current era help us and make life easier, but they also generate a considerable degree of dependency. To what extent can this be considered harmful? Or what is more important: When should you say “enough”? According to experts, these are the keys you should pay attention to.

An obvious excess of dependency

You don’t have to be very observant to realize that many people spend the day glued to their cell phones, or spend a lot of hours a day in front of the computer. But there are times when dependence can be excessive, and this is precisely a good way to detect a toxic relationship with technology.

The need to always be connected It manifests itself in social gatherings, or even those moments that can be defined as important or unique. Mobile devices are a clear example of this.

Problems disconnecting

  Do you have a toxic relationship with technology?  5 keys to detect it

Following the line of the previous paragraph, one way to identify a toxic relationship with technology is through the inability to live disconnected. Or what amounts to the same thing, to detach yourself from the virtual world (Internet, social networks, etc.) and focus on the present moment, on what is real, so to speak.

Every day there are more specialists who talk about the importance of knowing how to manage leisureescaping even a few hours a day from technology that surrounds us.

Difficulty relating

  Do you have a toxic relationship with technology?  5 keys to detect it

Who more and who less, today everyone interacts with other people through technology: emails, social networks or applications like WhatsApp or Telegram help make it a reality. This, in and of itself, need not be a bad thing.

But There are some cases in which certain people begin to prefer dealing with others virtually than face to face. Are you better off with a girl over the Internet than on a real date? Do you talk more with your friends online than physically? Then you may be having signs of a toxic relationship.

Less productivity, an example of a toxic relationship with technology

  Do you have a toxic relationship with technology?  5 keys to detect it

The theory often goes that technology makes life easier. In fact, that is, at least a priori, its reason for being. One way to detect that you have a toxic relationship with technology is clearly to achieve the opposite effect: suffer lower productivity, at the work level, but also in any other sense.

When the telephone or computer not only does not improve your daily activity, but actually hinders it, perhaps it is time to take stock and rethink the use made of them.

Impact on your mental health

  Do you have a toxic relationship with technology?  5 keys to detect it

Every day reports emerge that talk about bad habits related to technology, a way of also referring to a toxic relationship. Problems of anxiety, depression or lack of self-esteem that are usually associated with spending too much time on social networks or the Internet in general.

If the more time you spend glued to a screen, the worse you feel, or you suffer from higher levels of anxiety or stress, the problem may be real.

It is important to keep in mind, above all, that toxic relationships are not just a way of speaking, but a danger in many ways. And the same thing happens with technology: Although sometimes you don’t realize it, in the long run it can be harmful to your mood or even your health.

If in doubt, it doesn’t hurt to review the keys that we have shared with you and think about whether you really see yourself reflected in any of them. Sometimes it is possible not to see the red lines until they are already behind us.

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