
Don’t be fooled: this is the truth behind the myths about mobile batteries

The battery is the heart of your mobile phone, that device that accompanies you everywhere and that has become an essential tool for your daily life.

Therefore, it is important that you know how to care for and optimize the battery, and not be fooled by the myths and truths that circulate about its use.

Battery technology has undergone notable evolution over the years. Nickel batteries, which were most common in the past, have been replaced by lithium-ion batteries, which offer greater durability and energy efficiency.

This advance has been possible thanks to the development of new materials and manufacturing processes. However, many people still have erroneous beliefs about how they work and how to care for cell phone batteries.

In the end, These battery myths can negatively affect the life and performance of your device. It is for this reason that it is essential to deny them and offer advice based on evidence so that you can optimize the use of this important component of your mobile.

Charging beyond 100% damages the battery (True)

When the mobile phone is connected to power, the battery is charged through a chemical process that converts electrical energy into chemical energy.

However, when the battery reaches 100% charge, the process reverses, generating heat and stress on the battery, which can affect its performance and life.

It is advisable to disconnect your phone when it is fully charged or use a smart charger that automatically cuts off the power.

Airplane mode speeds up phone charging (True)

Airplane mode

Deposit Photos

One way to save battery on mobile phones is to activate airplane mode, which deactivates wireless connections such as WiFi, Bluetooth or mobile data.

Some people believe this can also help the device charge faster since it doesn’t consume power maintaining those connections.

Nevertheless, This belief is not supported by scientific evidence.and the difference in charging time between having airplane mode on or off is very small and barely noticeable.

Therefore, it is not necessary to activate airplane mode to charge the device efficiently, unless you want to avoid receiving calls or notifications during that time.

Having WiFi and Bluetooth in the background consume a lot of battery (True)


These components, when turned on, constantly scan the networks available in the environment, which involves significant energy consumption and can reduce battery life.

Therefore, it is advisable to turn them off when you are not using them and activate them only when you really need them.

Using an unofficial charger damages the mobile battery (True)

Charger with overvoltage

Andranik Hakobyan/Canva

When an electronic device is connected to a power source, an electrical circuit is established that allows current to flow from the charger to the battery.

Some chargers from unrecognized brands may have a different power or voltage than the device requires, which may cause the current they supply to be excessive or insufficient.

This can damage the battery, reducing its ability to store energy., its duration and its performance. It is recommended to always use original chargers or those certified by the equipment manufacturer.

Charging your phone on your computer damages the battery (False)

mobile charger

Deposit Photos

In doing so, the USB port supplies a lower electrical current than a dedicated charger, reducing stress and heat.

This can help preserve component capacity and performance over the long term. Therefore, Charging your phone through your computer will not damage the batterybut it can even be a good practice to extend its useful life.

Occasionally turning off your phone prolongs battery life

Could your cell phone battery explode if you leave it charging all night?

In the past, some types of batteries, such as nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride, suffered from the so-called memory effect, which consisted of a loss of capacity if they were not completely discharged before being recharged.

Therefore, it was recommended to turn off devices that used these batteries from time to time to avoid this problem.

However, modern batteries, such as lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries, do not have this effect and can be recharged at any time without affecting their performance. In fact, it is best not to let them run out at all, as this can reduce their useful life.

Batteries do not work in cold environments (False)

Contrary to what you might think, batteries do not benefit from high temperatures. In fact, excessive heat can accelerate battery deterioration and reduce its ability to store energy.

On the contrary, low temperatures can improve their performance by decreasing internal resistance and increasing efficiency.

It is recommended to keep batteries in cool places and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or heat sources.

Leaving the charger plugged in consumes energy (False)



Although many people believe that leaving chargers plugged in unused is a waste of energy, the reality is more complex.

Modern chargers have circuitry that detects if a device is connected and regulate the flow of electricity.

This means that when nothing is connected, the power consumption is very low, almost negligible. However, this does not mean that there is no environmental impact.

Chargers also generate heat and can suffer wear and tear over time. So it is best to unplug them when they are not needed.

The battery must be discharged to 0% before recharging (False)

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A common belief is that to take care of your mobile phone’s battery you should charge it to 100% and wait for it to drain completely before connecting it again.

This practice is not the best to extend battery life. It is best to maintain the charge level between 20% and 80%, as this avoids thermal stress and degradation of the internal components.

Replacing the battery gives a new life to your mobile (True)

Xiaomi terminal battery

It is a proven fact that changing your device’s battery after several years of use can have a positive effect on its performance.

The reason is because lithium-ion batteries, which are the most common in current devices, lose capacity and efficiency over time and the number of charge cycles.

By replacing an old, worn-out battery with a new, more powerful one, you can increase the autonomy, speed and stability of the device.

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