
Has the romance with Apple Vision Pro already ended?

<img class="tw-image " src="” width=”880″ height=”495″ alt=”Has the romance with Apple Vision Pro already ended?” title=”Has the romance with Apple Vision Pro already ended?”>

Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros“. As The Verge headlines an article about the fact that many buyers of the Apple headset are returning it to the Cupertino company, just because the 14 days in which it is possible to make a return will soon expire. And let it be clear that we are not at all saying that there is no truth behind it, after all the testimonies speak for themselves, we are just not ready to bet that this necessarily implies a general discontent.

Let’s start in the meantime problems reported. Many of these users complain of headaches, motion sickness, and dry, irritated eyes: all things that are certainly true, but very common with VR viewers. Over time they can also be resolved, but in any case they would also have happened with other models, probably a sign that those who have tried it he was unfamiliar with this type of device

Another complaint is related to the weightwhich however is greatly mitigated by using the alternative band, certainly less beautiful than the default one, but much more practical.

In addition to comfort, there are also criticisms on the quality front productivitywhich fails to justify the high price, but it was also difficult to expect who knows what since for now the app park is not that large and even paid.

Net of all this, observing the profiles of most of the users mentioned by The Verge it is clear that these are not the classic average consumer, but rather influencers various areaswho had purchased the product to create content on it or out of pure curiosity, using it very little. And then obviously the return is triggered because it’s still $3,500 for a product that maybe wasn’t even part of your sphere of influence. However, can we insinuate the doubt that it would have been rendered regardless (or in any case with a high probability)?

I’ll add one personal note to all this: when Google Glass came out I bought them for around €2,000 (from memory), which may not be $3,500 but was still a good amount for a product of this kind.

I still keep them as a heirloombecause beyond everything they represent a piece of history of technology, as it will certainly be for Vision Pro, regardless of its fate. Who is now returning it to Apple is anything but a fan of the company, and not even a technology enthusiast in general, if we really want to dot the i’s.

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