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The end of the protected electricity market has been postponed: ARERA’s reasons

The protected energy market will end in 2024, but the end date regarding theelectric energy was moved from 1 April 2024 to 1 July 2024: this is what has been established by ARERA, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment.

This was announced by the president of ARERA himself, Stefano Besseghini, who set the date in a press release new date of activation of the Gradual Protection Service (STG), to which the non-vulnerable users who have not yet chosen the free market (here we explain how to do so).

The reasons of this decision by ARERA came directly from the president, who explained that first of all they want it protect consumerswhich they must be informed through campaigns to be conducted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, in particular pay attention to payment mechanisms automatic at banks.

Furthermore, it established that it is necessary to carry out the preparatory activities necessary to start the Gradual Protection Service, which must be completed by May 31st, and which is necessary limit the period between the assignment and the activation of the Gradual Protection Service.

In this way between April and June 2024 can be sent communications to users currently under greater protection after all the auctions have been carried out, so as to guarantee transparency and assistance.

Obviously, the protected market will remain active for the vulnerable usersthat is, those who are over 75 years old, those who have an ISEE of less than €8,107.50, those who live in emergency housing due to disasters and those who have disabilities.

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