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Flipper Zero, the Tamagotchi of hackers, sparks controversy, should it be banned or is it being overdone?

Current technology seems to have a dedicated space for the famous Flipper Zero, also known as the “Tamagotchi of hackers.” This little one gadgetbeyond its discreet appearance, It contains a world of possibilities in the field of security.

“Everyone wants to be a hacker, but not everyone knows how to become one. We wanted to show that hacking is actually for everyday use and that it’s not an evil thing. It’s just a skill set like any other.” “says Alexander Kulagin, one of the creators.

From the original Kickstarter idea to a fully perfected product, Flipper Zero is a beast in a small device. In its tiny casing, it contains multiple sensors and different digital protocols. This includes things like RFID and NFC, which can be used to emulate cards or scan hotel cards.

The funniest part is that it has a curious cybernetic dolphin who loves to hack and that will grow as you interact with digital systems in real life. Your actions will build his personality and he will always have fun and comment on them, as if it were a Tamagotchi from the 90s.

“It is possible that if everyone was aware of how easy it can be to circumvent certain security measures, it would be easier to approve investments and budgets aimed at the implementation of cybersecurity both in the domestic sphere and in that of Public Administrations or the sector. private,” explains Miguel López, General Director of Barracuda Networks, in an interview for Computer Hoy.

“More information should be given about the consequences of its use outside of legality”

However, and Despite all this madness generated around this device, it seems that things are getting a little murky. His fame has aroused both love and hate among society. Without going any further, Amazon has directly decided to stop selling this product.

Some argue that this device makes piracy too accessible, allowing even people with basic knowledge to manipulate devices as they wish. Others argue that it is a tool that will undoubtedly be used largely for illegal purposes.

“Flipper Zero is nothing more than a tool and as such it can be used in many ways. Hammers are not prohibited because they could eventually be used as a weapon… Likewise, I do not think that Flipper Zero should be prohibited although perhaps it should provide more information about the consequences of its use outside the law,” says Miguel López.

In August, South Dakota police reportedly issued a warning to other agencies about the possibility of it being used to hack into energy grids. Additionally, in several countries, including the United States and Brazil, police have confiscated shipments of Flipper Zero.

Without going any further, a few weeks ago a new use for this little “toy” was discovered. A firmware Third party called Xtrem allows Flipper Zero to carry out denial of service attacks on Android devices, bombarding a mobile phone with notifications when it is in range of the Flipper Zero.

What is Flipper Zero, how it works and what you can do with the "Hackers

“In most cases, their possible ‘perverse’ applications are scarce and would fall more into the realm of ‘hooliganism’ (note that some of these hooliganisms can be punishable), than actually in that of cyberattack. There are other tools whose use could be much more dangerous but, fortunately, they do not have this popularity,” comments the expert.

While the tool may be marketed to professional ethical hackers to perform important tasks such as penetration testing, it is clear that many people with little or no prior hacking experience are using it for their own means, often unscrupulously. Therefore, is very much a metaphorical double-edged sword and that is the fundamental flaw associated with a Flipper Zero.

Of course, Flipper Zero’s developers insist that people shouldn’t use the product to manipulate devices or systems they don’t have access to, but the genie is already out of the bottle at this point. After all, Once ordinary people are given the means to commit cyber attacks, it is very difficult to take that power away from them..

From withdrawing money from ATMs, breaking into other people’s cars and adding gasoline without spending a single euro—or the most difficult topics mentioned above—, as we say, It depends on how far you want to go, but be careful because we are talking about crimes.

“If you use it to enter systems, networks or devices without authorization, or for purposes such as theft of passwords, personal data, etc., it is an illegal action and, therefore, you can have serious consequences. If you use it to spy on other people Without them knowing or giving you permission, you would be violating their privacy and you would again be committing a crime,” they explain from the National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain (INCIBE).

“It is true that there are risks derived from its use outside the law, but any attack with serious consequences that could be carried out with Flipper Zero could also be carried out with many other tools less known to the general public (but which are available to anyone in certain forums)”, concludes the interviewed expert.

Cover image: Flipper Zero Blog

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