
Flipper Zero, the Tamagotchi for hackers without restraint: now allows you to hack sex toys

Flipper Zeroknown as the Tamagotchi for hackers, has added a new feat to its repertoire: control sex toys. This device, which had already demonstrated its ability to interact with systems such as iPhone, Android and even Game Boy cartridges, now ventures into more intimate and personal territory.

The Flipper Zero, which burst onto the market in 2022, has earned a prominent place in the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking. Its ability to manipulate a variety of technologies, from RFID and NFC to infrared signals, has made it a multifunctional tool for technology explorers, but no one expected this: now too controls sex toys.

The research of Matteo Mandolini and Luca Bongiornis has taken Flipper Zero to a new level of interaction with everyday technology. Their work focused on the Love Spouse app, which controls sex toys via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

The researchers They discovered that, using Flipper Zero, they could intercept and manipulate the signals destined for these devices. This ability to remotely control the start and stop of vibration is achieved by following a simple process.

It involves intercepting the vibration start and stop commands of adult toys managed by the first Love Spouse app and then creating a custom app for Flipper Zero.

The discovery highlights the versatility and creative potential of the Flipper Zero, which has more and more applications. Although in practice it is easily countered.

Flipper Zero can also read Nintendo cartridges

Beyond his foray into the intimate sphere, the Flipper Zero has also expanded its reach into the world of video games, thus showing its flexibility. With developments such as MALVEKE, which allows you to interact with Game Boy cartridges, this device never ceases to surprise with its capabilities.

Flipper Zero It has become a tool that, while being a catalyst for innovation and technological curiosity, is also a reminder that security and privacy must be a priority in the era of connectivity.

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