
Google and Dropbox are knocked out with this offer: a 12TB hard drive that will be your personal cloud

If you already struggle to save your files in Dropbox, iCloud or if you still regret that Google Photos does not offer unlimited storage as it did before, there is bad news: everything indicates that the price of subscriptions of this type will continue to rise.

One of the most viable, safest and cheapest medium-term alternatives is to have your own NAS server at home, something that may sound complicated but is not at all if you opt for the right option, and one of the best has just dropped from price on Amazon for the Black Friday offers that are now available in this store.

It is the 12TB WD My Cloud EX2, a network storage unit that, connected to the internet, will allow you to access all your files wherever you are. and from any device. You only have to pay the 382 euros it costs once and those 12TB will be yours forever.

Western Digital My Cloud EX2 Ultra

Connected hard drive with two internal drives, multimedia streaming with Plex and automatic synchronization with mobile phones and PC.
  • amazon
  • TechInn
  • PcComponents

To put the figure in context, 2TB of storage on Google One costs 100 euros annually, so the difference is very, very important in capacity and also in savings.

Operation is easy with My Cloud OS, the operating system this unit uses. You will only have to connect it via USB to a computer, whether Windows or macOS, configure it following Western Digital’s instructions and then transfer the files.

Once you have done it, you will no longer need to connect it to the PC if you don’t want to, because By connecting to the internet it allows you to use your app to upload files remotely and wirelessly from anywhere in the world.

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Photos, videos, text documents, whatever you want: accessible from the app without many problems and quickly. In addition, it allows the installation of some applications such as Kodi or Plex to partially convert it into a multimedia server. 12TB of capacity really goes a long way, even if you dedicate yourself to downloading and uploading 4K files and similar, it will be difficult to fill it completely.

There is only one drawback and it is totally logical: it must be connected to the electrical current to work and to the router, either via WiFi or by cable, whichever you prefer to have the best connection speed.

The price is so attractive that it will surely be one of the offers that sells out throughout the week of Black Friday, all the more reason to hurry up and not wait for the offer to pass you by.

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