
Google Drive updates: improves video playback and file search

Google Drive receives a new update with a couple of new features that will surely be interesting for those who use the app on a daily basis.

The popular cloud service from Google has just received something new it will improve video playback, that is, the playback of those videos that are synchronized with the cloud. The novelty in question is called Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH).

DASH mode features video playback with adaptive bitrate which takes into account the quality of net, to adjust the playback resolution. This should result in a less time required to starting playback it’s a less buffering during playback itself. This should happen independently of the network quality.

We therefore expect that the video player of Drive becomes more and more similar, also in terms of performance, to what we find on YouTube. DASH mode comes for all new videos uploaded to Drive, with Google promising that it will also be extended to previously uploaded videos by the end of the year.

But it doesn’t end there for Drive. In fact, the Drive Android and iOS apps receive some new features they will help the research of contents synchronized on the cloud.

Specifically, they arrive more options for filtering research. As you can see from the screenshots below, from the pop-up menu from below you can set filters. From the list of contents available it will then be possible to apply various filters, among which we find People.

The new features we have just seen are currently currently being distributed globally. As for the news on search filters, we know that on the iOS app of Drive should already be available, while you will have to wait a little longer to see them on the Android app.


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