
Google keeps its promise and presents GraphCast, the most precise artificial intelligence for meteorology

In a world where extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and devastating, a new AI tool from Google DeepMind, called GraphCast, is changing the rules of the game Time prediction.

Published in the prestigious magazine Sciencethis artificial intelligence model from DeepMind, named GraphCast, is the answer to the promise of faster and more accurate weather forecasts from Google, a crucial tool in the fight against the effects of climate change.

GraphCast has proven its worth by predicting the path of Hurricane Lee nine days in advance, which made landfall in Nova Scotia, Canada. This prediction outperformed traditional models, which could only predict the event six days in advance.

A feat that is not minor. Anticipation in warning of phenomena such as hurricanes can be the difference between life and death.

GraphCast learns from the climate through AI learning

But, What makes GraphCast so special? Unlike conventional methods that rely on intensive computer simulations and physical equations, GraphCast is based on the machine learning and historical data analysis.

Imagine a map of the world divided into more than a million points, each representing a segment of the Earth’s atmosphere. GraphCast analyzes and predicts variables such as temperature, wind speed and humidity at each of these points.

This neural network is like a weather oracle, capable of detecting patterns and predicting the weather future with astonishing accuracy. One more advance in climatology, which still faces more mundane challenges.

Although GraphCast’s effectiveness exceeds 90% in 1,300 test areas in large weather events, surpassing the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model, It is not infallible in minor events such as rain.

It is still behind traditional models such as precipitation prediction. This underscores an important truth in modern meteorological science: combining AI and traditional methods is the best approach for more accurate forecasts.

In a world where the weather becomes increasingly unpredictable, tools like GraphCast are not only technological innovations, but potential lifesavers. With their ability to predict extreme weather events further in advance, Google and DeepMind have delivered on their promises.

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