
Google makes the memory saving feature in Chrome smarter

Google Chrome It has always been a browser that has had a pretty bad time with the performance of our laptops or mobile phones, and recently it has included different memory or energy saving features that have been great for us.

In fact, at the beginning of the year they released the memory saving functionality in Chrome, which is disabled by default, but you can activate it within the browser’s settings and performance.

As Google itself points out, by having memory saving activated in Chrome, the browser frees up memory for inactive tabs, providing more computing resources to active tabs and other applications.

Now Mountain View is taking this memory saving functionality in Chrome much further, including a probabilistic model which predicts which tabs sleeping in the background will be more likely to be closed permanently so that we save even more memory.

Google points out that, according to its data, People typically revisit their memory saver tabs 60% of the time in a 24-hour span.

So with this in mind, they have created a probabilistic model to help the browser decide which open tabs are safe to close permanently to save memory.

It should be noted that at the moment only Chrome Canary is available and the feature can be enabled with the following flag “probabilistic-memory-saver”.

This feature is also added to the other saving functionality, but this time energy saving, aimed more at laptops with which we can limit background activity and the visual effects of the browser, if our laptop is not connected to the network.

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