
Google loses its antitrust battle: it will pay 700 million dollars and there will be big changes in the Play Store

As you probably already know, last week Google lost a lawsuit filed by Epic Games, which argued that its Play Store was not doing things as it should. Now the details of a previous agreement reached in September with more than 30 US states have been revealed, which was born with the aim of putting an end to a battle, which is being seen to be totally lost, over the practices of the store and Android.

The company, on its blog, has confirmed big changes that will impact the way users download apps on Android and how they are warned about potential risks.

On the other hand, it promises to simplify the download experience on Android, merging two “stream” screens into one, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple steps before enabling the download. This improvement is implemented with the idea of ​​making downloading applications easier and more direct for users.

Additionally, it will offer alternative shopping options in-app. Developers will now be able to display various pricing options directly within the app, giving users flexibility and allowing for a more competitive environment.

Part of the agreement also includes Google’s commitment to pay about $700 million.

Of this sum, 630 million will go to a conciliation fund for consumers, while 70 million will go to a fund for the states.

However, it is not just the improvement of the user experience and the opening of billing options that attracts attention in this agreement. Google has also been testing alternative billing in the United States for more than a year, as part of its effort to respond to pressure from regulators and politicians.

This agreement will not only impact the way users interact with the Play Store, but it also sets an important precedent in the antitrust field and in this fight in which Google loses. At the moment, all these developments are pending approval by the judge.

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