
Google could replace a large part of its human staff with artificial intelligence

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is here to stay, and while it can be positive by making people’s lives easier, there is also some fear that it could end up affecting many current jobs.

Even big technology companies like Google seem to be betting on artificial intelligence to the detriment of many of its workers.

This is at least according to a report from The Information that states that the search giant would be looking to reassign or fire certain sales workers, whose jobs were automated by a new artificial intelligence tool.

This has to do with the beginning of a new era of ads powered by artificial intelligence that those from Mountain View put into contention at the beginning of the year.

Some of these ads created by the Performance Max feature can even change in real-time based on click-through rates to maximize your visibility.

According to the aforementioned source, a growing number of advertisers have adopted Performance Max, which has eliminated the need for certain employees specialized in managing ads on the Google service.

According to the report, nearly half of the company’s advertising division, some 30,000 employees, were once engaged in this type of work.

Advertising makes up a large portion of the company’s revenue, so replacing human workers with an artificial intelligence system can end up increasing profit margins.

It is unknown whether these workers will end up being reassigned to other Google divisions that require human personnel, but it is clear that artificial intelligence could end up affecting many jobs, although on the other hand it could also open up new jobs in the future.

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