
Google tests a simple search for its search engine, and this is what the results would be

The Google search engine has always undergone very few changes, but what is true is that when we search for a term or phrase, a multitude of results may appear that sometimes do not convince us too much.

In fact, when we perform a search on Google, videos, images and even social networks may appear, and sometimes we only want to focus on web page results that are as concise as possible.

And now Mountain View is testing a new feature called “simple search” that would offer us a more efficient and simplified search experience, and could work as follows.

It is speculated that this new simple search function would offer more immediate and basic results without too many complications.

The simple search in the Google search engine It is activated with one of the buttons at the top of the search results page and appears in both the mobile and web versions.

By clicking on simple search, the results offered would be transformed in a more concise selection and with more direct results.

Thus, for those users looking for efficiency and simplicity, they will love clicking on this new simple search button.

Obviously this option is more focused on those users who are looking for direct information and who want efficient results without complications.

Simple search would not be the best option for users looking for more detailed information on complex topics.

However, there are still many doubts about the operation of the option of simple google search or if we will all finally see it, because it seems that it is only appearing to a small group of users.

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