
Google wants you to share informative notes in search results

Until now, we can search for different terms in the Google search engine, offering us a series of Search resultsbut sometimes we don’t know which website to choose according to our interests.

Google has introduced a new experiment called Notes, which allows users to see and share tips and advice in search results.

This experiment allows certain users to use a new “notes” button under some specific search results and also in articles of Discover.

By tapping that “add note” button, users can add their own notes or click on “view notes” to see other tips or recommendations previously left by other users.

These notes will not only be about text, but also photographs, stickers and other customizable elements.

To prevent people from posting notes that violate Google’s good use guidelines, In principle they will all be moderateboth by humans and also by AI.

This is a feature that is being tested in places such as the United States and India and it remains to be seen if it will reach other countries such as those belonging to the European Union.

Google believes that this new feature of Google Notes can improve search by facilitating the exchange of knowledge among the user community.

We will see if this experiment ends up reaching other countries or is it one more of all those tests that Google does and that we never see again and that have been tested in the classic search engine without finally being added.

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