
Google’s Ellmann Project: the ChatGPT that knows everything about your life

Google is focusing its forces on advances in artificial intelligence, and Gemini was recently added to the arrival of Bard, although not without some controversy.

But those from Mountain View want much more, and it seems that they are working on a new project in the form of Ellmanan AI that could get to know us in a much more personal and intimate way thanks to our digital footprint on the network.

According to reports from CNBC, Google would be working on a new experience artificial intelligence call Project Ellmann in a nod to biographer Richard David Ellmann.

This new project would use LLM to become aware of what is happening in a photograph. With this new technology, Project Ellmann is intended to become “the narrator of the story of your life,” and that can be fascinating, but also worrying.

There are many doubts about this project, but a Google spokesperson has commented on the following.

“Google Photos has always used AI to help people find their photos and videos, and we’re excited about the potential of LLMs to unlock even more useful experiences. “This was an early internal exploration and, as always, if we decided to implement new features, we would take the time to make sure they were useful to people and were designed to protect user privacy and security as our top priority.”

In this way, Google Photos would help in the process by collecting data from the search results and finding patterns that are present in the photograph.

Thus the information available in our own photographs could allow this Project Ellmann to make descriptions using different parameters.

In addition to the above, Google would also be working on something called Ellmann Chat which is basically a more personalized and intimate version of ChatGPT.

In this way, an experience very similar to ChatGPTbut in the face of an artificial intelligence that would already know us in advance, basically because we have given it access to some services, such as in this case to Google Photos.

This raises certain doubts regarding the privacy and security of users, given that there may be many who are not happy that this type of technology investigates all its associated services to find out information that perhaps should not be known. .

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