
War on AI: New York Times sues Microsoft and ChatGPT

Rare is the day when artificial intelligence does not make the headlines, either because of its advances, its risks (apocalyptic, in some cases) or because of its controversies. What is not so common is that it is precisely a newspaper that confronts it. And not just any one, but the New York Times, one of the most powerful media outlets in the world.

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The New York Times has sued Microsoft and ChatGPTas a result of its artificial intelligence, thus creating a precedent whose consequences are really difficult to foresee, at least for the moment.

The New York Times’ Battle Against AI


When a technology explodes, as is the case with artificial intelligence (as the Internet once was, to use a simile) it seems impossible that nothing can stop it. However, there is never a shortage of those who try. In this case it has been the prestigious American news program The New York Time that has been willing to stand up, and with solid arguments.

The newspaper has denounced both the company Microsoft and OpenAI, those responsible for the popular artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The reasons given by the media outlet to base its claim are clear: The artificial intelligence developed by both companies has made use of millions of newspaper articles; illegitimately, it is understood.

The Times’ position, therefore, allows no room for doubt. In fact, in the lawsuit they have perfectly defined the reason for their anger. According to them, they denounce the two companies for “using the content of the New York Times without paying to create products that replace the Times and steal its audience.”

And that is where another striking nuance can also be found, the news does not hesitate to consider artificial intelligence as a competition for its services, defining it as “substitute products”. Of course, all of this would have been carried out without consent or any remuneration from Microsoft or OpenAI.

A conflict that will bring a tail

Although it is still too early to know what will happen from now on, the New York Times has already filed the lawsuit we are referring to in the Manhattan Federal Court. For everything we have told you, Their requests are emphatic: extensive financial compensation and legal reparation.

It must be kept in mind that this is not the first time that the violation of rights has been discussed, associating it with artificial intelligence and its way of gathering information. But it is clear that when the person who denounces the situation (through legal channels, too) is a medium as strong and well-known as The New York Times, things change.

First, because of the enormous media impact of the news and, second, because It would not be surprising if it served as a precedent for other media to act in the same way. later, especially if the North American justice system ends up agreeing with the plaintiffs and takes a stand against Microsoft and OpenAI.

In any case, everything indicates that it is the first episode of a series that still has a lot to tell. We will have to remain attentive.

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