
Hard blow from Google Maps to its competitors, Waze trembles

Google has taken a giant step in recent weeks with its navigation application, a Google Maps that will offer the best thanks to technological advances and, above all, artificial intelligence.

In fact, recently we told you about all the new features that are going to be gradually included in Google Maps, and one of them was the immersive view for routeswhich is similar to the route preview that we have available, but taken to the maximum.

This new immersive view for routes supported by AI will allow us to explore a certain place through a multidimensional view.

Basically, they are going to merge aerial photographs with Street View images and Google 3D models to create a realistic simulation of the route we are going to take, so that we become familiar with it.

This immersive view for routes uses images from multiple sources, including airplanes, but also from hikers who contribute additional data. On the other hand, the role of artificial intelligence is capital, since it helps to read a photograph.

With this, the system tries to understand what it can see in the collected images to also offer you sidewalks, speed limits, traffic lights and much more.

Currently only available in these cities

Google points out that offering a 3D simulation is an extremely complex process, although now thanks to the artificial intelligence it’s possible.

It should be noted that the immersive view is not yet available for all regions of the world, as Google needs more time to capture 3D images, and then create those 3D models for each sector.

Once it is available in your city, you will be able to explore each section of the road and obtain a digital simulation, while accessing other data such as traffic conditions at a specific time.

At the moment the immersive view with AI is only available in the cities Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Dublin, Florence, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Paris, San Francisco, San José, Seattle, Tokyo and Venice, but they have promised to arrive in other major cities in the coming months.

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