
This year I am not going to any physical store: I have made the Kings from my home and I have saved a total of 125 euros

Beyond Christmas classics such as Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve dinner, original and fun greetings to send to loved ones or the lottery, One of the essential elements on these dates are gifts.

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It is not always easy to find the perfect gift for a friend or family member, but what is really difficult is not to leave your wallet in the process and spend January and Blue Monday eating pasta or preserves to overcome the expense. Even more so if you have children, of course.

Although it may sound a bit Grinch, Surely the idea of ​​being able to save on Christmas gifts has formed in your mind and thus go through a less difficult hill at the beginning of the year.

In my personal case, it is what I have tried to achieve and thanks to the fact that I have not gone to any physical store and I have bought everything online, I have managed to save on Christmas gifts.

Although you may not believe it, through the internet you can not only find a lot of offers of all kinds, but also, Other expenses associated with having to go to a physical store disappear in the process.

The first thing that you haven’t taken into account, is that you leave aside the cost of gasoline. During this entire period, it is normal for you to drive more and visit hundreds of different stores in search of the perfect gift.

Yes, it is true that if you go to a shopping center, you have a lot of stores within your reach, but what if what you are looking for is not there? It’s time to get back in the car and use more gas in the process.

How much have I saved by buying Three Kings gifts online: 125 euros

It may not be much and you may also think that it is not an expense related to the gifts of the Three Kings, but nothing could be further from the truth. In my case I have noticed how 30 euros did not disappear from my wallet because of the displacement necessary to go to a specific store.

Furthermore, although it is not a financial expense, not going to a shopping center these days has also offered me a lot of peace of mind: until never, hours trying to find a parking space or endless lines of people who have had the same idea as you.

To all this We must add that buying everything online is much more convenient and faster and all you have to do is be lucky with the delivery dates and be home when the package arrives.

And the best? By having everything at your fingertips, you can visit more stores with a click and find lower prices than usual.

An example, I bought the NBA 2K23 through Amazon at a price of 34.99 euros for PS5. Out of curiosity, and especially to compare prices, I went to Game, Fnac and El Corte Inglés and the same game, in all 3 stores, was 39.99 euros, 44.99 euros and was not available, respectively.

Taking this into account, I have saved an extra 10 euros that I add to the pot and, in the worst case scenario, I could have gone home without having the game if I had only gone to El Corte Inglés, which would have added me another extra gas to check if it was in another store.

Buy cheap Three Wise Men gifts, not only on Amazon

As you can imagine, not only Amazon has these types of offers. For example, at Miravia they have never-before-seen discounts on Nintendo Switch that will allow you to save a good amount.

Another example of the same type. My son wanted the board game The Color Monster. On Amazon I found it as a Top offer for 24.99 euros, while in El Corte Inglés it was for 35.99 euros. Another 10 euros to add to the savings.

It has also happened to me with a LEGO figure of Horizon Zero Dawn. I found it at Fnac for 90 euros and, the most surprising thing, was not the online discount, but rather on the French company’s own website, it was with a 20% discount. Another 20 euros that I put in the piggy bank.

Where I have found another good saving has been on a board game: the Big Box edition of Carcassonne which comes inside with 11 different expansions. Its price? A top offer of 45 euros on Amazon instead of the classic 60 euros for the package. I add 15 euros more to the pot.

I have bought many other things, but it is true that the savings have not been as great as the examples that I have given you, but if I add everything that I have not told you, I have saved about 40 extra euros compared to a physical store.

If you have followed me this far and have been doing the sum, you can already imagine what it pays you: a saving of 125 euros in total.

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