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7 AI tools that I have tried and find very useful

You may already know ChatGPT, but beyond it There are other very useful artificial intelligence tools that could help you save a lot of time In day to day.

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AI – mostly generative – has made it possible for some tasks that previously required advanced technical knowledge, such as video or image editing, to be at your fingertips, in many cases as long as you pay for a subscription.

Although many of them are generous and allow free trials – with limited weekly or monthly credits – that could help you for what you are looking for.

In this case, although the list is very varied, most of these tools are aimed at editing images and videos or generating automatic subtitles in almost any language. Nevertheless, There are also some that help create and scale businesses from the beginning.

Google delays at the last minute the launch of Gemini, its new AI model that promises to unseat ChatGPT

These are the AI ​​tools that you will find here:

  • RecCloud
  • Akool
  • Predis
  • Inita
  • Magic Studio
  • Writesonic
  • Kickresume


Computer Today

One of the most useful tools on this list is RecCloud, aimed mostly at video. In this case, you I have requested that it automatically generate subtitles in English from the video of Computer Today how to read WhatsApp messages without your contact finding out.

As you can see, the subtitles it offers are not the ones usually found and, although you will have to review them manually, it is a great time saver when translating your videos into other languages.


Akool generate video with AI artificial intelligence

Computer Today

It’s a shame that Akool doesn’t recognize Spanish. Despite this, it does know others such as English, so if you want to create videos with AI or intelligent avatars, this site could be a very good option.

For example, you can create any type of video and make the character say whatever you wantto which they add other options such as the more traditional ones in the video editing section.


Predis AI social networks artificial intelligence

Computer Today

Predis is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create content on social networks, with different templates – and even personalized videos – and several options. In my case, I have asked for publications for this content.

Predis AI artificial intelligence social networks

Computer Today

Thus, it has offered 3 options, one of them with a video that compiles why you should use AI tools for different routine tasks and, in short, save yourself some time. It is one of the most recently known and has pleasantly surprised me.


Inita AI artificial intelligence tool start a business

Computer Today

Inita is not aimed at the general public, but at those people who have decided to start a business. From this, the AI It will help you manage your entire business, from online payments for the services you offer to social media posts and marketing.

Has a 14 day free trial and, unlike the others on this list –with limited free plans–, you will have to pay from this time, making it a tool that you will have to try to see if it offers you something positive for your business.

Magic Studio

Magic Studio AI artificial intelligence

Computer Today

In its interface, it is very similar to other tools such as DALL-E. As you can see, it is one of the most versatile on this list, since In addition to more basic functions such as converting WebP files to PNG – really useful – you can also opt for the latest.

In this case, Magic Studio allows you to remove objects, people or text from photos; generate photos to boost your business, remove backgrounds and change them with others, and even create graphics thanks to AI. In short, tools of all kinds that take advantage of artificial intelligence.


Writesonic AI tool artificial intelligence optimize SEO content

Computer Today

This artificial intelligence tool allows the use of 10,000 free words in a version that uses the GPT 3.5 model; although you can upgrade the plan, paying, to the one that has GPT 4. Its objective is to offer you advice to optimize your content in search engines like Google.

To do this, you can choose to give it a complete text or simply a title. It will offer you the metadata of your content for the web, from personalized title recommendations to the keywords other people are usingdepending on what is working best.

Writesonic has the trust of companies such as nokia, Adobe, Rakuten, Spotify, Mercedes-Benz, Vodafone or Pfizer, among others from various sectors.


Kickresume resume artificial intelligence AI

Computer Today

Many tools have taken advantage of the great development of artificial intelligence to offer CV templates, with the aim that generating a resume does not require technical editing knowledge.

From the website itself, you can directly connect your LinkedIn profile to make it even easier to create your CV. Kickresume It’s as intuitive as answering the questions you’ll be asked about your education, career path, skills, and achievements.

But you can also face questions typical of a job interview or review your CV with AI, to improve those points that may be weak.

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