
How long does Black Friday 2023 last?

Black Friday 2023 in Italy consolidated a trend already present in past years, but which this year has further “evolved”, going beyond the traditional idea of ​​a single day of discounts to turn into an entire period of promotions and special offers. This trend is the result of a progressive change in consumer behavior but above all in strategies of retailers, who throughout the month of December have continuously relaunched with “Black Friday offers” which perhaps have only confused the average user, who will probably have asked himself several times: but how long does Black Friday 2023 last?

In fact, Black Friday was initially born in the United States as the Friday following Thanksgiving, which marked the official start of the Christmas shopping season. Technically speaking, in short, Black Friday is todayNovember 24, but we have breathed the Black Friday “climate” throughout the month, and it will continue until Monday 27or the Cyber ​​Monday.

If you had come closer only today Don’t worry about this anniversary: ​​most of the offers valid in recent weeks are still present and new products have been added. However, this does not mean that all today’s discounts will continue to be valid in the next few days: the exhaustion of stocks, or even just the arrival of new offers, could shuffle the cards on the table a bit, so if you find something that interests you , at the price you want, it’s better not to wait any longer.

We have updated our selections of discounted technological devices, and created many other thematic articles, but if you would like to take a look at the large Amazon shop window yourself you can do so via the button below.


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