
How much is your data from Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and more social networks worth on the Dark Web?

How much is our data worth in the underground of the Dark Web? A recent study offers us an alarming insight, revealing the costs of hacked accounts on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok or Facebook.

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Between January 2022 and January 2023, it has been revealed that no social network is safe from cybercriminals. For example, A hacked Instagram account is sold for about 11.16 euros, while those of TikTok and Facebook are around 7.44 and 13.02 euros, respectively..

These surprisingly low prices highlight the ease with which this data is trafficked. The Dark Web acts as an underground bazaar, offering everything from social media accounts to communication and entertainment services.

Beyond social networks, accounts Services like Gmail also reach 41.85 euros, reflecting its high demand in business environments. Stolen WhatsApp data costs 16.61 euros and a Zoom account costs 9.23 euros.

LinkedIn is the network with the most valuable data for hackers

Regarding social networks, LinkedIn, focused on the professional field, has the highest price in social networks, with accounts that sell for about 41.85 euros. In contrast, Reddit accounts, the cheapest, sell for just 5.58 euros.

Because? LinkedIn is the social network that contains the most professional personal dataand, therefore, the most susceptible to phishing campaigns, it is also one of the networks for which those affected are most willing to pay to recover.

You can buy a like, retweet and even crowdfunding on the Dark Web

The problem is not limited to the sale of accounts. A market for manipulating interactions on social networks has been identified, such as buying retweets on Twitter or likes on Facebook and Instagram.

These services are sold for between 5.58 and 23.25 euros per thousand interactions, evidencing how popularity can be falsified on the networks. Nothing escapes, everything is for sale, the Dark Web knows a lot about you.

The black market also includes stolen accounts from streaming platforms such as Apple Music (13.95 euros), Disney+ (13.02 euros), Netflix (11.16 euros), Spotify (11.16 euros) or Twitch (10.23 euros). euros) or even to crowdfunding projects on Patreon for 6.51 euros.

The report highlights the critical need to protect our data online. Preventative measures include privacy of personal information, rigorous security settings, and vigilance for potential scams.

This analysis not only exposes the monetary value of our Dark Web accounts, but also highlights the importance of safeguarding our digital identity. In a world where information is as valuable as money, cybersecurity becomes an undisputed priority.

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