
How to configure your WiFi router to increase the signal on the devices that need it most

Internet connectivity has become an imperative need today, encompassing a variety of activities ranging from work and study to entertainment, whether watching series, participating in online games or simply staying connected with friends and family.

In this context, the importance of ensuring that the WiFi signal reaches every corner of your home cannot be underestimated. However, sometimes the problem arises of a connection that does not offer the necessary power on crucial devices, such as the game console, Smart TV or laptop.

This situation is not only frustrating, but it can also cause problems in signal quality, manifesting itself in annoying delays and even constant disconnections.

Fortunately, There is a simple solution to improve the connectivity of your WiFi router on the devices most relevant to you. It is only necessary to make a specific configuration that will enable you to boost the signal on those devices that play a fundamental role in your daily life.

So you can expand the WiFi signal on the most important devices


To begin, the first step is to access the configuration interface of your router. Perform this process by opening your preferred web browser and typing the router’s IP address in the address bar.

Commonly, this address is presented as or Enter your user credentials and password to log in.

The key function you need to adjust is called Quality of Service (QoS). Find this setting by exploring the options menu of your routerwhich can sometimes be called Device prioritization or another similar label, depending on the model.

Within the QoS section, you will identify a category dedicated to adding priority devices. This is where you can detail which devices you want to feature. You have the option to do this using the IP address or MAC address of each device, depending on your preference and convenience.

Once you have selected the relevant devices, proceed to set the priority for each one. Some routers use a star or number system to indicate the importance of each device in relation to the others.

Afterwards, save the changes made and, if necessary, Restart the router to apply the modifications effectively. In addition to adjusting the settings of QoS on your WiFi routerthere are various factors that can significantly contribute to improving the quality of your connection.

Consider the location of the equipment: placing it in a central location in your home will allow the signal to spread more effectively, thus optimizing coverage in all rooms.

It’s fundamental Avoid placing the router near metal objects or electronic devicessuch as cordless phones, as these items may cause interference.

By following these location tips and considering the influence of the environment, you can guarantee a stable and powerful WiFi connection that covers all spaces in your home.

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