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How to stop Google from slowing down your browser to watch YouTube

If you are a regular YouTube user, you have probably noticed that, depending on the browser you use, the video platform slows down on many occasions. In fact, it is a controversy that has given us a lot to talk about in recent times. In theory, this is mainly due to the anti-blocking measures that Youtube has recently installed.

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As some users have pointed out, This problem is especially pronounced when using browsers like Firefox. Luckily, and if you are a regular user of the Mozilla tool, there are ways to solve it, and they are not particularly complicated.

Why does Google slow down your browser to watch YouTube?

Although Google has not given much explanation about this, it is evident that YouTube takes longer than normal to load when using browsers other than Chrome. In fact, experts in the field have reported that with FirefoxFor example, the application will take 5 seconds longer to reach the content than if it is done with the Google browser.

In addition, they have highlighted that these are not natural slowdowns, as it could be if it were a common connection problem, since once YouTube loads, it does everything immediately. This “artificial slowdown”, as it has been defined on some sites, has to do with an obvious anti-ad blocker strategy.

This is how you can prevent Google from slowing down your browser to watch YouTube

The easiest way to ensure that YouTube does not slow down, regardless of the browser you use, is precisely to make the platform think that you are using Chrome. In fact, To date, there is no evidence that any slowdown occurs with the Google browser.

The most practical way to “trick” YouTube and make it think that you are browsing with Chrome even though you are doing it from Firefox, is by using the extension User-Agent Switcher.

Basically, it is an add-on that many computer scientists use when, for example, they have to test how one of their portals works in different browsers. This is what has been known as a change of agents.

Basically, All websites use a “user agent” to detect the browser from which you access them. The extension User-Agent Switcher It allows you to change it at any time easily. That is, in this case, make YouTube believe that you are in Chrome even though you are in Firefox.

On the contrary, you prefer to do it manually, The steps to follow to pass Firefox through Chrome are as follows:

  • Go directly to the address bar, type about:config and press Enter.
  • If a warning message appears, simply accept it.
  • In the search field write useragent.
  • You will see that the normal thing is that a series of preferences appear, click on the right button, selecting each one of them and, immediately after, select the option Reset.

After this process, you may need to clear the browser’s cache and cookies.

Still, it is a relatively simple process to prevent Google from slowing down your browser to watch YouTubeeven if you use Firefox regularly.

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