
Human or robot waitress? The Internet is divided and here is the answer

A new video has lit up social networks with an intriguing debate: Is the figure that appears a robot waitress or a human acting as such? The footage shows a woman serving food in a restaurant with strikingly robotic movements, and has sparked divided opinions around the world.

Some maintain that they are dealing with an advanced humanoid robot, while others defend that it is a real woman, imitating the movements of a machine. Is this waitress a robot?

Humanoid robotics, especially in the service industry, are growing. China has expressed its intention to lead globally in this sector, with plans to produce advanced-level robots by 2025.

A global trend, according to Insider, in which There are already examples in restaurants from Michigan to Texas or Korea, where there would already be up to 5,000 robot waiters. Robots are beginning to be part of the service staff.

In our country they are already in some establishments in Seville, León, Mallorca, Madrid or Galicia. But hoteliers are still not clear if they are profitable, or if they need supervision.

The truth is that robots, thanks to artificial intelligence, are becoming more and more capable. In this sense, one has already been created precisely with the intention of being a better waiter than a human. It’s just the beginning.

They are not his only milestones. Ameca, described as the most advanced humanoid robot in the world, dared to dream of the future of humanity, Mika managed to be the first CEO robot, Loona proclaimed herself the first domestic robot and Robins the Spanish teacher for children with hearing problems.

But, let’s get back to the question. Is the TikTok waitress or not the most advanced new humanoid robot in the hospitality industry in China?

Is he or is he not a robot? The waitress who has divided TikTok in China

It’s human. South China Morning Post He clarified that the protagonist of the video is, in reality, the owner of the Hot Pot restaurant and a professional dancer. She dances while serving and pouring drinks, according to the publication, and the first video was originally shared by a friend until it went viral.

The line between technology and humanity continues to blur. While in this particular case it was an admittedly very real performance, the reality of robots in our daily lives is quickly becoming a norm, not an exception.

With the service industry as a testing ground for advances in robotics, we are likely to see more examples of this intriguing fusion of technology in the near future. Maybe, one day, we will ask ourselves the opposite question: is this robot a human? How is it possible?

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