
I spend a week with my phone completely silent, and this is how my life has changed

Mobile phones are an essential part of almost everyone’s life today. Thanks to them it is possible to be in permanent contact with our loved ones, connected to work or perfectly available for any requirement or emergency.

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Technology offers many advantages, it is clear, but, To what extent does one need to always be attentive to it? And continuing along the same lines: is it really beneficial to spend the day alert and available to attend to any type of signal coming from the phone? I have spent a week with my phone completely silent, and these are the conclusions I have reached.

Advantages of having your cell phone completely silent

Right off the bat, it is easy to imagine the advantages that having your cell phone completely silent offers anyone. And to tell the truth, they are fulfilled. As far as work is concerned, Eliminating the distractions that notifications of WhatsApp messages, calls, emails and others can cause helps you perform betterwithout losing focus frequently.

In fact, it is easy to realize that when your phone is completely silent, you make better use of your time. The reason is simple: many times an alert that makes you pick up the phone already serves to connect one thing with another and not only distract you, but also continue looking at anything that was not originally what required your attention.

On the other hand, it is easy to see that Not being interrupted at every moment by the sounds of the phone also allows you to better enjoy the present moment, so to speak. Focus more on the real and less on the virtual, to understand each other.

In a practical sense, it also has its advantages: having the mobile phone completely silent reduces its battery consumption and, therefore, allows greater autonomy. You decide when you use the device, not the other way around.

Disadvantages of keeping your cell phone on silent


The benefits of having a mobile phone may be clear, but what about the drawbacks? Those that can keep us from putting the phone on silent permanently. In my case, there have not been as many as I might have assumed at first.

The rhythms of today’s life can make us imagine that not constantly checking our cell phone will cause us to miss many things. In my case, at least, I can guarantee that it has not been like that. Sure, I’ve had a lot of missed calls (almost all of them, actually), but nothing so urgent or so important that it couldn’t be resolved by calling back later.or by sending a message later.

Only on one or two occasions was it truly something that could be considered “urgent.” And he didn’t end up getting blood into the river either. You also have to keep in mind, when working with the computer, I am always very aware of emails, another way to contact me.

In conclusion – and it is essential to make it clear that I speak for myself – I have not felt at any time that I have been giving up much by having my phone on silent.and yes I can confirm that I have felt calmer and more liberated.

Therefore, I will continue to do so, with the few exceptions in which I am really aware that I need to receive a call or a message for something specific and of which I have been previously informed.

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