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Identity theft on social networks: how to detect it and what to do if you suffer it

That the Internet and new technologies can make you more vulnerable is no secret. Sometimes, you don’t have to be a famous person or a Hollywood star to be exposed to problems such as identity theft, something sadly common when it comes to social networks (and even more so now, with the advances that have appeared in voice impersonation ).

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For this reason, knowing how to detect possible identity theft on social networks, and above all what to do if you suffer from it, it never hurts. Below we review its main keys.

What is identity theft on social networks and how to detect it?

Identity impersonation on social networks consists of a practice by which an individual creates a false profile, posing as another person, often someone they know or trust. Although sometimes they can also “choose” you for no apparent reason. Once this fake profile is created, it can be used for various purposes.

The most common revolves around financial scams, but there are also cases of spreading false information, personal defamation or even obtaining sensitive information. from other users. These actions usually copy photos, names and personal details to build a deceptive virtual identity, which takes elements of you, to a greater or lesser extent.

To a certain extent, cloned profiles, a common form of identity theft on social networks, are easy to detect. See if there is a second profile that imitates yours or uses your image, name, etc. Impostors often copy photos, biographies, and posts to create credible replicas.

These malicious activities are also obvious when they are accompanied by unusual posts, mass friend requests, and a lack of authentic interaction. You can also identify them in others when you see that someone you know behaves strangely on social networks, or contacts you to ask for money or things like that (phishing).

How to act if you suffer identity theft

The first thing is notify the platform itself on which the identity theft has been carried out. Most social networks have strict anti-phishing policies. It is important, however, that you report the fake profile to the corresponding platform, providing evidence and details. That is, taking screenshots and saving the information you have.

Platforms generally take quick action to remove fraudulent profiles. But still, it is advisable that you change your password and adjust the privacy settings of your account. Make sure you have one strong password and enable two-factor authentication if the platform allows it.

It also doesn’t hurt to share a message on the network itself, from your authentic profile, warning of what happened, in order to alert your own contacts.

In serious cases, do not hesitate to inform the authorities, especially if the identity theft includes illegal or fraudulent actionssuch as financial scams, always retain all the records of social media phishing that you are able to gather.

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