
If you search for this singer on Google, images generated with AI appear and that is a problem

Artificial intelligence continues to leave many speechless when it comes to creating hyper-realistic images with text. The problem arises when these creations end up sneaking into Google search data and appear alongside real images.

You can find a clear example of this when you Google Israel Kamakawiwoʻole, considered one of the most outstanding Hawaiian musicians in history. You will see that the first images that appear of this singer are created with artificial intelligence.

As you can see in the image below, of the three images that Google shows you of the singer, two of them are fake. In this case, the truth is that you do not need to be an expert to identify them as generated with AI, but this goes further when we are talking about millions of searches that are carried out on Google every day.

The alarm has been raised precisely due to the credibility that can be given to the search results and that They may end up sneaking in an image generated with AI, once again putting on the table the need for regulation or at least immediate measures.

These images generated with AI spark controversy: Should Google do something?

Some users have shown this in Reddit comments: ​”Why is this the first photo of him on Google? He’s cool and all, but don’t you think he deserves a real photo of him when people search for him? Wow, and that’s how it begins. The blurring of the lines,” they comment.

Although Google is not legally required to ensure the validity of its image search resultsthat there are more and more images generated with AI and given their simplicity in creating them, highlights the need to at least raise awareness about this problem.

Hawaiian singer


Some explain that these images have risen to the top positions if you search for this singer because Iz, his real name, died in 1997 and Google always wants to offer the latest information to users.

Because there haven’t been many new articles or conversations about Iz since then, the algorithm has considered these to be his most recent images.

One of the most valued solutions seems to be the implementation of clear labels to indicate images generated by artificial intelligence, giving users the transparency and necessary warning that what they are seeing is not real.

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