
Artificial intelligence can now detect if that Louis Vuitton you buy is real

When you make a large investment in a certain product that you really notice hurts, what less is it real and not a mere imitation. This is something that sadly happens with increasing frequency in the market for selling bags or sneakers.

Now that the Three Wise Men have arrived and you surely want to give the odd gift, you may be thinking about buying a bag from a reputable brand. The problem is that many times you end up landing on pages that are not the official ones and an imitation arrives home —Almost imperceptible, but in the long-term quality and duration it ends up being noticeable.

However, technology is always at the service of humanity with the aim of offering solutions. Entrupy, a technology service founded in 2012, has deployed artificial intelligence as a tool to authenticate branded bags and sneakers, giving buyers peace of mind that they are investing in authentic products.

The premise behind Entrupy is simple, but revolutionary: Artificial intelligence can determine the authenticity of a product by carefully examining its details. From Balenciaga to Louis Vuitton, Entrupy’s AI tool focuses on luxury brands, and in just a few seconds it will tell you how real what you just bought is.


This AI-based technology has an accuracy rate of 99.1%

Entrupy’s technology requires users to take detailed photos of products from all angles using a camera device. hardware specialized. It contains a microscopic lens that extends the phone’s camera’s ability to take images of key product features, such as plates and design materials.

These photographs undergo extensive analysis using an artificial intelligence algorithm that compares millions of authentic images stored in a database.

Artificial intelligence recognizes fake bags


Within minutes, Entrupy issues a verdict on the authenticity of the product, highlighting an astonishing 99.1% accuracy rate. As he comments Business Insider, After this process, the company then generates an official certificate that retailers can show on their website and thus show that the product is authentic.

Although the tool currently focuses on well-known luxury brands, it is increasingly used, which certainly portends a great future for artificial intelligence in this field, as it could become a standard in product authentication in several sectors. from the resale market.

“The goal of doing this is to build trust and make it verifiable as a third party,” Vidyuth Srinivasan, co-founder and CEO of Entrupy, told Elle. “It is the consumer who is certain that it is not just one person who says it is authentic, but that there is also a third party who has not invested in the transaction and certifies it.”

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