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Severe blow to the piece: a multi-million euro organization defeated

The Catania Prosecutor’s Office has just closed a real “central” of the so-called little piece in Catania, with a national and international turnover of several million euros per month and a very high number of users (do you know how to see who else is using your streaming services?).

The Illegal IPTVs they broadcast live schedules and on-demand content protected by television rights owned by the most well-known television platforms such as Sky, DAZN, Mediaset, Prime Video And Netflix (by the way, do you know how to change the language on Netflix?).

The operation, conducted by the Catania Prosecutor’s Office with the help of the staff of the Cyber ​​Security Operations Centers of Reggio Calabria, Turin, Naples, Bologna, Florence, Rome and Bari, led to the discovery of a criminal organization structured hierarchically according to roles distinct and very precise, and with promoters distributed throughout the country and abroad.

21 the people investigated between Catania, Messina, Syracuse, Cosenza, Alessandria, Naples, Salerno, Reggio Emilia, Pisa, Lucca, Livorno and Bari, who exploited particularly advanced evasion systems, a sign that the fight against piracy is coming to a new level of confrontation.

The DDA of Catania, in fact, states that to evade the investigations, the suspects would have “made use of encrypted messaging applications, fictitious identities and false documents” which were also “used to register telephone numbers, credit cards, television subscriptions and server rentals“.

But not only. For the promotion of the la network Power of attorney discovered the presence on various social platforms of channels, groups, accounts, forums, blogs and profiles that advertised the sale, on the national territory, of streams, panels and monthly subscriptions for the illegal viewing of audiovisual contents which can also be used through numerous illegal “live streaming” sites.

The Prosecutor’s Office charges the suspects, for various reasons, with the crimes of criminal association of a transnational nature aimed at the diffusion of television schedules with conditional access, damage of information, data and computer programs, unauthorized access to a computer system, computer fraud.

They applaud the initiative Federico Bagnoli Rossi, President of Fapav, the Federation for the Protection of the Audiovisual and Multimedia Content Industries, and Andrea DuilioCEO of Sky Italia.

Fapav notes that in 2022 alone there were around 345 million illegal acts, 30 million more than the previous year, while the incidence of IPTV use reached 23%, but underlines that the new law anti-piracylaunched just a few months ago, is a great step forward in stamping out these illicit actions.

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