
Is modding dead? Not entirely, given how many smartphones LineageOS is active on

The modding for many it is now a distant memory, while for others it still seems to be everyday life. He was the one who talked about it Marques Brownleethe most famous YouTuber in the world in the technology sector, in a long episode of his podcast WVFRMwhere the life of Android was retraced, how the first communities were born and above all how it was born LineageOS.

Born on the ashes of CyanogenMod, LineageOS is one of the best known custom roms, because it is available for many smartphones: from Asus to Xiaomi, without ignoring Samsung. In fact, during the episode the host, David Imelasks the question: “How many devices is LineageOS currently running on? ” and the answer is surprising: 1.5 million.

The answer strikes everyone, because themodding universe with time he saw decrease its numbers both because users have decreased and because modding has become more complicated.

As is pointed out in the podcast, it was once a more requested solution, since smartphones were not very bright and a custom rom also allowed for additional functions, while now smartphones are much more powerful and the graphic interfaces are richer than the past.

Furthermore, it is analyzedother cause so modding is in progress semi-abandonment: the security of financial data. Having a device with a foreign operating system causes banking apps to fail, which as a result may not work. Considering how central a smartphone has become in people’s lives, including for money management, it is normal to think that we have preferred to do without a custom rom.

So, that “1.5 million devices” shows us two sides of the coin: one face he says that users are fewer than in the past and that modding is in decline, however the other one he says that nowadays there are many people who still believe in a tool that can give a new life to a smartphone.

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