
Kindle and notebook at the same time: the best ebook reader in the world lowers its price and is almost 100 euros cheaper

If you are one of those who have definitely taken the step to books in digital format, there is a high probability that you have a Kindle, not because there are not many and very good ebook readers, which there are, but simply because Amazon models have a very high market share.

Most of the Kindles in use are the cheapest model, which now costs 99 euros, but there is life beyond if you are willing to pay a little more, with improvements in ergonomics, screen and capacity, but it is also The high-end has already made the leap from eReader to notebook, and that is where the Kindle Scribe comes into action (279 euros right now).

We were able to test it thoroughly to see if it really delivers what it promises and the truth is that using it is like traveling in first class, with a much sharper screen and better resolution than other models, with the option to modify not only the brightness but also the color temperature and above all with incredibly good tactile precision.

Amazon Kindle Scribe

Amazon’s first 10.2-inch tablet with an electronic ink screen and 300 dpi, where you can also take notes with its stylus, write and draw in its digital notebooks or create to-do lists…
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This answer serves above all so that the included pencil works practically as if it were a piece of paper, much better than the Apple Pencil if we compare, so the Kindle Scribe is not only the best ebook reader but it is Also a top-notch notebook.

There is another thing you should keep in mind before buying it, and that is that the screen is much larger than that of other ebook readers and much larger than the normal Kindle, since it is 10.1 inches, practically a tablet.

During Black Friday and until Cyber ​​Monday it will be discounted in different capacitieswith about 100 euros off all of them, a little higher or a little lower, although it is possible that the units available for the offer will run out.

The best Black Friday deals

The best Black Friday deals

If you don’t know what to buy this Black Friday, we’ll help you by collecting the best deals.

See list

Shipping is free, as in practically all Amazon products that exceed 35 euros, and this is the case. If you also have a Prime account, it will arrive in just one or two days from when you make the purchase at most.

You can also take the opportunity to sign up for the Kindle Unlimited trial, which lasts two months and gives you access to a catalog of several hundred books completely free, a flat rate that normally costs 9.99 euros per month.

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