
MareNostrum 5: the Spanish supercomputer that has made it onto the list of the most powerful computers in the world

There is a particular race to elucidate What are the most powerful super computers in the world?and in recent years both supercomputers located in China and those located in the United States have taken center stage.

And we now have available the new list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world in its latest edition renewed in this month of November, and with the prominence of a supercomputer located in our country.

We talk about MareNostrum 5which is listed as the eighth most powerful supercomputer in the world, although still far from the top positions, but clearly improving previous versions.

As the official site says, the Marenostrum 5 “is new at number 8 and is installed at the EuroHPC/Barcelona Supercomputing Center in Spain. This BullSequana XH3000 system uses Xeon Platinum 8460Y processors with NVIDIA H100 and Infiniband NDR200. It achieved an HPL performance of 183.2 Pflop/s.”

However, in first position is still the Frontier from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States which has 1,194 PFlop/s of performance and by way of comparison, our MareNostrum 5 barely reaches a tenth of that performance.

In second position we have the dawnalso in the United States, which reaches a performance of 585.34 PFlop/s, but they plan to double its capacity in the coming months.

There are other supercomputers in Europe, such as LUMI located in Finland and Leonardo, which is located in Italy, occupying fifth and sixth position, respectively.

Although Intel has always been the main protagonist in this supercomputer market, the truth is that AMD has closed a lot of ground in recent years, and they are already present in 140 of the systems on the list, 39% more than last year. one year.

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