
Meta tried to bring the Play Store to Quest, but Google wasn’t of the same opinion…

Not so good news is coming for Meta Quest. In particular, Half asked Google to implement the Play Store on Quest in order to further expand the library of available apps and games. However, the Mountain View giant would have rejected the proposal.

About, Andrew Bosworth, Meta’s CTO recently explained that: “There’s nothing stopping Android developers who have an APK running on Android phones today from bringing it into VR. They just have to ship the APK to us and there may be some slight changes to how they want the control scheme to work, but they may not even be necessary. We don’t have any way to import them automatically. We’d love it if Google brought their Play Store of apps to VR. We asked them, but they didn’t want to do it, so it’s up to the developers to do it.”

Among other things, it is curious to note that the Play Store was available in VR for a short time, that is, when Google Daydream was active.

Since then, however, both the Android-based VR platform and its Play Store have been shut down. In short, Meta tried to add an important piece to its Meta Quest, but Google declined the proposal. As for the reasons for this refusal, there is still not much clarity. Finally, let’s remember that Meta runs the VR experience on a heavily modified version of Android, thus supporting the installation of Android apps. However, the number of apps officially available is quite limited.

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