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Meta will be able to recognize images created with AI, but it is just one of the new features announced yesterday

The announcement of the AI ​​model Gemini from Google is certainly the most important (and unexpected) news of this end of the year, but with all the billion who is investing in Meta technology does not want to pass by supporting actor (read also: the best AI apps).

This is why Mark Zuckerberg’s company immediately responded with posts on its blog announcing more than twenty new features for his instrument Meta AIcoming soon Facebook, Instagram, Messenger And Whatsapp (do you know how to create images with artificial intelligence?).

Among these the new one certainly stands out “invisible” watermark which will be applied to images created with Meta AI and will allow them to be distinguished from those created by a human. This watermark, not visible to users, will be applied with a template deep learning and it will be resistant to some manipulations such as cropping, screenshots and color changing.

Meta plans to release it in next weeksand to expand its use to other Meta products in the future.

Creating an image with Meta AI. Source: Meta

Another very interesting new feature is the possibility of edit images within a chat. For example, a user shares an image, also created via Meta with the command “@Meta AI/image” (image above), and the other user can ask the chatbot to change it by simply replying with the same command, for example asking to add a hat (image below).

Editing the same image. Source: Meta

But that’s not the only news. Always staying in the image creationin the United States you can now access Meta’s image creation service, powered by the Emu model, directly from the web, and soon you will be able to convert images from horizontal to vertical with Meta’s new AI tool outpainting, called Expander.

Source: Meta

The new ones then arrived in the United States AI characters based on celebrities (from Tom Brady to Snoop Doog), who are now able to connect to the Internet to perform on-demand searches (via Bing) and will remember your past conversations.

This means that you will be able to talk to a particular person again AI character And continue a chat where it left off, which will allow you to have a connection deeper with the instrument.

The Meta AI assistant has also become more powerful, and Meta assures that it is now able to offer “more detailed answers on mobile devices” And “more accurate summaries of search results“, as well as doing deeper work behind the scenes to deliver better search results and more targeted suggestions.

But it’s not over. Among the numerous updates, we also highlight the fact that suggestions from Meta AI will now also appear in chats with Meta AI Reels for more engaging responses (and obviously increase use of the tool), and that Meta is studying new uses of the tool, such as suggesting birthday wishes to friends.

Unfortunately, most of these innovations are reserved for users United Statesso some time will have to pass before we could see them here too, but the statement of Half is clear: We’ve spent billions on AI, and we don’t just want Google to look good.


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