
Microsoft winks at more experienced users: Windows 11 will give access to ”Advanced settings”

Two years after its release, Windows 11 has proven to be one of the updates most important for the home operating system Microsoft. The change was evident both in terms of the graphic aspect (here is a guide to free customization) both at the level of functions (especially in the AI ​​field with the integration of CoPilot).

The last one novelty on which the US company is working, will certainly be well received by more experienced users: let’s talk about adding a panel to access the “Advanced Windows Settings”. The new section will be integrated directly into Dev Home, according to what Microsoft itself confirmed on the application’s Github page. Below is a test image showing what it might look like.

With the new panel Microsoft wants to offer developers a greater control on the functioning of the operating system, also specifying that the “Advanced settings” they will not replace traditional ones.

The company has listed the following objectives that it intends to achieve with this new function:

  • give developers more control over system settings and advanced behaviors
  • help developers discover settings to improve their daily workflows and machine performance
  • create a uniform user interface for management and customization
  • Work with the developer community to identify useful additional settings to include in the tool
  • have a tool that can be easily scripted and applied to new and/or existing machines

There is currently no information on a possible release date and in the meantime Microsoft has invited users to share their feedback about the new design, commenting on the thread on GitHub.

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