
They discover that some mini PCs sold on Amazon have factory malware, be careful with this brand

Nowadays virtually all mini PCs and all laptops come with Windows and other software installed. And that can be a problem. A youtuber has discovered that several AceMagic brand miniPC models, sold on Amazon, include malware out of the box.

Mini PCs have been sweeping sales in recent years, because they are relatively powerful and cheap, and fit anywhere. People use them for work, study, as a media player, or for emulation.

Most only require turning them on to be able to use them, because They already come with Windows 11 preinstalled. Unfortunately, some include a nasty surprise, in the form of malware.

Mini PC with malware on Amazon

YouTuber Jon Freeman of the channel The Net Guy, has set off the alarm. He bought an AceMagic AD08 mini PC on Amazon to analyze on his channel, and when running the antivirus he discovered that it had malware. He also bought the D15 and S1 models of the same brand, and they were also infected.

Found two executables ENDEV and EDIDEV hidden in the Windows installation folder, which are associated with the dangerous Bladabindi and Redline malware:

According to account Techspot, Redline is malware that steals browser passwords, empties cryptocurrency wallets, and hijacks Steam, VPNs, and Telegram accounts, among others. It also evades antivirus detection by encrypting part of its source code.

Bladabindi is a backdoor Trojan that allows remote access to cybercriminals to steal data.

This malware was also in the restore folder, which means that if you erase Windows and reinstall it using the restore function, the malware does not go away.

This YouTuber later bought a second AcerMagic AD08, and it did not have malware. He contacted the manufacturer, and confirmed by email that “the antivirus software issue has been resolved in current stock. This issue will no longer be present in current offerings.”

What the manufacturer does not explain is why the malware was on their mini PCs, and how it could leave the factory. AceMagic is a very popular brand, which sells many models of mini PCs and laptops on Amazon Spain at a good price, and is also well valued.

The golden rule, if you buy a mini PC, laptop or computer of any brand, with the operating system preinstalled, is pass the antivirus and do a full scan.

That an Amazon mini PC comes with malware is not newthat is why you always have to prevent, before starting to use it.

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