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Mobile generation: 40% of students do not know how to copy and paste with the keyboard

Years of use of the touch screens of mobile phones and tablets is taking its toll on students, who don’t know the simplest keyboard shortcuts. It is a worrying fact, because in most professions computers are used to work, not mobile phones or tablets…

A survey conducted in Japan by White Inc. Japan, which comes to us via Techspotdiscover that almost 20% of students do not know any keyboard shortcuts, and 40% do not know how to copy and paste using only the keys.

Nowadays, children are born with a mobile phone or tablet in their hand, and these devices cover their leisure and educational needs until adolescence. The little attention given to computing in schools, and the fact that there are now fewer computers at home, precisely due to the use of mobile phones or tablets, means that many young people are not used to using a PC keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts, unknown to teenagers

The survey reveals that the keyboard shortcut most familiar to Japanese students is Copy (CTRL+C). 62.6% have heard of it, compared to 59.2% who also know Paste (CTRL+V).

This indicates that 40% of students do not know how to copy and paste with the keyboard.

The rest of the keyboard shortcuts are mostly unknown. Only 30.6% know that an action can be canceled with CTRL+Z. Only 27% say you can cut text or a selection with CTRL+X, and 16.8% say you can create a new document, a new window, etc., with CTRL+N.

The most amazing thing of all is that 94% of the students surveyed claim to have a PC or laptop at home.

It must be said that in Asia mobile phones are used much more than computers, but like here, It is important that young people know how to use a keyboard, because they will need it in their working lives.

In Japan, 40% of students do not know how to copy and paste with a keyboard. 20% do not know any keyboard shortcuts. It would be interesting to do a similar survey in our country…

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