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WhatsApp Ninja Mode: how to leave a group without anyone knowing

WhatsApp is an application that has a variety of features that help you communicate better. One of them is groups, which are very useful to keep in touch with your friends, family or colleagues.

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However, this feature can also be a source of stress if you receive too many messages that you are not interested in.

Although WhatsApp It is an excellent platform to connect with other people, the excess of groups can make your device become an annoying emitter of alerts, filling your screen with messages that do not contribute anything to you.

You may feel trapped: on the one hand, you don’t want to participate in conversations that don’t attract your attention, but on the other hand, you are worried about the possible conflict or annoyance that your lack of interest in the group could generate.

In this situation, we show you a quick and easy method to get rid of this barrage of notifications without anyone in the group noticing.

Whatever your reason, whether it be disinterest in the group’s topic or simply the need to slow down the flow of messages, This trick will allow you to abandon it without making a sound.

The trick to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone noticing

  • For this trick to work, you need to have the latest version of the application installed. If you don’t have it, you can update it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Once you have the app updated, it is time to open WhatsApp and search for the group you want to leave.
  • Without opening the group, press and hold the three dots icon. Touch it. It is located in the upper right corner.
  • A confirmation message will appear. Tap on Leave the group to confirm.

What happens if someone reviews the group information?

This way you will have left the group without the other participants receiving a notification. This function is called ninja mode on WhatsAppsince it refers to how to go unnoticed among a group of people.

However, you are probably wondering what happens when the administrator checks the group information, will he notice your absence?

Well, if someone checks the group details, they will be able to see the full list of people who have left over the last six months, but they won’t receive a notification if someone leaves the group.

There are several reasons why you might want to leave a group without anyone finding out. For example, when conversations are offensive or inappropriate.

When the group has become a place for the spread of false or harmful information, if you have been added without your consent or simply when it is no longer relevant to you.

Best of all, if you no longer feel comfortable in a WhatsApp group, leaving it without anyone knowing is a simple process.

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