
Musk makes the original Tesla Roadster open source: a clue to the arrival of the new one?

He’s come a long way, there Tesla Roadster original. The fully electric sports car, launched way back in 2008, has continued to be talked about in these fifteen years after almost bankrupting the nascent Tesla, to have been launched into space and now to have become open source (do you know how to charge an electric car at home?).

All for a car that just sold 2,450 copies, but which paved the way for the company’s success. And now, everything that was developed for the initial project is available online to be downloaded or used at will. Musk himself announced it in a post on X from a couple of days ago.

Everything we have, you now have“, declares the billionaire. Let’s remember that Tesla Roadstercreated in collaboration with Lotus (the similarities with the Elise are notable), was a car capable of reaching a maximum speed of over 200 km/h and accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h 3.9 secondswhile the declared autonomy was 392 kilometers.

Not impressive numbers, for a car sold at 100,000 eurosbut which nevertheless allowed us to achieve the necessary skills to then launch the disruptive Model S.

Source: Tesla

And now all this is in the everyone’s hands, from owner’s manuals to blueprints for circuits and connectors. Anything, at this address.

But what does this move on Musk’s part mean? For many it is a clue to the arrival of the new one Tesla Roadsterwho with his 400 km/h of maximum speed, acceleration from or to 100 km/h in 2.1 seconds and autonomy from 1,000 km (oh, and let’s not forget the ability to attach rockets to her to make her rocket even faster), it’s a worthy upgrade.

Or rather it would represent, because it should have been launched on the market in 2020 and, as Musk stated earlier this year, “We are certainly testing the patience of those who booked it“.

For the occasion, however, the billionaire wanted to reassure everyone that the design would be completed by end of 2023which would suggest an arrival on the market by end of 2024.

Dates to be taken with a pinch of salt, given the precedents, but today’s announcement is certainly not accidental, and allows us to report the name Tesla Roadster on the pages of newspapers. So, who knows, maybe we could expect some soon novelty in this sense.

It must be said that Tesla has a number of projects underway, all incredibly demanding and practically all behind schedule, so it’s easy to imagine them taking priority over a high-end car. great charm but with little economic return.

We’re talking about the launch of Full Self-Drivingpostponed for a handful of years, of Cybertruck, whose launch event is scheduled for November 30 (but whose mass production will not start for 18 months), and the famous low-cost Tesla from $25,000 (Model 2 or whatever it will be called). Maybe it’s quicker to build a Tesla Roadster in the garage.

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